Dear Friends, When I was in Tbilisi in August, I could hear the growing stress in people's comments, a sentiment that was fully captured by the respected journal CBS 60 Minutes. During the October 29 show, which noted how the influx of approximately 100,000 Russians into Tbilisi has caused rent and food prices to spike. According to Georgian government statistics in 2021 costs rose 9.57% in Georgia and in 2022 they rose another 11.90%. I heard it myself as I visited our hospice home care patients in their homes. On a very limited pension, they were barely able to cope with food and medical needs. Dzegvi shelter and Transfiguration Hospice are stretching to cope with almost 25% inflation over a couple of years. Now that winter approaches, heating fuel drives up their costs even further.
Top row: Children share a meal and a young resident reads to her children at Dzegvi Shelter
Bottom row: A nurse checks a patients vital signs and another poses with a home care patient in their homes.
While AFG is not a political agency we recognize that the geopolitics of the region are multiplying the pressure felt by everyone in the region and throughout Georgian society. Georgia seems to be at a crucial juncture.
At a time when it seems the world is falling apart, we know we can't fix it all. But in one country of 4 million, we can have a distinct impact.
With your generous gift we can respond to requests like:
$190 to train a family on home care for dementia patients
$565 to care for one person for a month in the hospice
$5500 to heat for a month 3 buildings at Dzegvi Shelter
$15,000 for special education & tutoring at the shelters
At this time of the year, most of us count our blessings that we don't live in one of the many "hot" spots of the world. We can show our appreciation by sharing with the families of Georgia by making a gift to American Friends of Georgia. Let them feel your gratitude. Thanks,
Bill Corcoran, president